
Create a Better Tenant Experience

Help your property managers spend less time in the back office and more time on what matters. 

Spend Less Time on Invoices, More Growing Your Communities

Reclaim time for what really matters: making life easier and more pleasant for your tenants.

PredictAP takes the manual work out of invoice processing to help your team get more done while freeing up time for higher value work, like showing apartments, renewing leases, and interacting with tenants.

Get your property managers out of the back office.

Improve AP Efficiency and Get Bills Paid Faster

Capture and fully code invoices in just seconds to get them approval and payment ready. No need to wait on slow data entry.

PredictAP plugs into your existing AP automation, so you can keep the workflows you already know and trust while saving time at the front end of the AP process.

Focus on tenant satisfaction.

Centralize AP and Remove Busywork from the Field 

Bring dispersed knowledge back from the field and break down time-consuming work silos. 

PredictAP learns from the work your team has already done, so you can manage the entire AP process from one location, saving hours of back and forth between distributed teams. 

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Fully Coded Invoices, Less Manual Data Entry

Get your property managers out of the data entry business with PredictAP's automated AI-powered invoice capture.

Laptop with coded invoice no highlights

Reduce Data Entry Time by 50-80%

PredictAP codes invoices automatically during upload, saving you time and eliminating manual data entry.

Get More Done without Adding Headcount

PredictAP can do in seconds what used to take hours each week. Scale what your existing team can do without more hiring.


Key Features


Our property managers loved PredictAP from day one. It has eliminated so many administrative and time-intensive pain points, from opening mail to coding, scanning, data entry and shuffling paper from desk to desk.
Kim Perkins

Yardi Admin, Garden Communities

PredictAP has given me many hours back in my workday to prioritize responsibilities, and has greatly impacted my productivity levels, as I am no longer manually keying in invoice data.
Sam McGuire

Analyst, Portfolio Accounting, Harrison Street Real Estate

PredictAP helps us capture and preserve the ‘tribal knowledge’ around invoice coding so it’s living in our systems instead of someone’s memory. It makes turnover less disruptive, and makes it much easier for someone new to get up to speed.
Marcos Marti

VP of Technology, Related Group

One extra hour of time saved can be the difference between being home for bedtime with my kids or not.
Robert Lefkowitz

Property Manager, Garden Communities

How Residential Operators Leverage AI