Pain-free AP for Retail & Mixed Use Real Estate

AI-powered invoice capture & coding built for real estate AP


Focus on leasing revenue without losing sight of spend

PredictAP gives you more visibility into property spend and saves time on processing vendor invoices, so you can focus on driving more revenue per square foot.

Cut paper invoice handling costs

Reduce paper invoices, paper checks, and paper work to help your existing team get more done.

Gain real-time spend visibility

See and track outflows as soon as invoices arrive to regain budget control and pay bills faster—but not too fast.

Future-proof your margins

Improve GL coding accuracy to see where spend is going and get smarter about cost reduction.

“Before PredictAP, we were having to download our invoices, trying to process them within a given timeframe, while also working in an office with other people needing other tasks done. We were being pulled in every direction and didn’t have much free time to breathe sometimes.”
Sarah Jacobs

AP Specialist, Whitestone REIT

Retail case studies


More Asset Classes

Reviews and Ratings

See how it works.

Get a demo of our AI-powered invoice capture and coding solution purpose-built for industrial real estate AP.